最近很喜歡聽澳洲歌手Lenka的同名專輯,很愛她的hummable tunes..像是對自己說話長不大的孩子,very decent and cute。聽了她在Mercury Lounge現場演唱後,對她著迷又更深了。我記得小學的時候曾在一個奇貌不揚的男孩彈起鋼琴的那三分鍾愛上他,這一回又發生一樣的情形。Lenka一出場是個再普通不過的小女生:不起眼的服裝,沒有唱片封面那樣精緻的可愛長相。但是全世界在她唱起歌來的時候,瞬間被掛上小星星,她的臉也映照的光芒!溫暖又孩子氣的聲線包圍著全場,每一個人都漾起的微笑。這天的紐約寒冷又下著細雨,跟在這小酒館裡的大家完全不同氛圍。

喜歡她的正面能量,總是能讓我跳出煩惱的小圈圈。很多歌的歌詞其實很簡單,重複的說著一樣的事情,但是卻會在心裡迴迴盪盪。演唱會上唱著“We Will Not Grow Old“,她說以前她很害怕長大,怕長大會失去很多單純的美好。但是現在她知道不用害怕,享受成長的感覺其實很好,只要心裡的那個你還很年輕就好。我聽了心有悽悽焉。
最愛“Live Like You're Dying“,告訴我們每天都要活的跟最後一天一樣,珍惜每一刻還要不放棄去嘗試、努力去戰勝心魔,這段時間好好對待自己。這首歌變成每天提醒我自己面對挑戰應該有的態度,每次聽都可以重整自己的心情,不管前一天過的有多辛苦跟不容易,今天起床甩甩頭又是一條好漢!
最愛“Live Like You're Dying“,告訴我們每天都要活的跟最後一天一樣,珍惜每一刻還要不放棄去嘗試、努力去戰勝心魔,這段時間好好對待自己。這首歌變成每天提醒我自己面對挑戰應該有的態度,每次聽都可以重整自己的心情,不管前一天過的有多辛苦跟不容易,今天起床甩甩頭又是一條好漢!
one of these days you'll be
under the covers you'll be
under the table and you'll realize
all of your days are numbered
all of them one to one hundred
all of them millions.
all of them trillions.
so what are you gonna do with them all?
you can not trade them in for mall. no no.
under the covers you'll be
under the table and you'll realize
all of your days are numbered
all of them one to one hundred
all of them millions.
all of them trillions.
so what are you gonna do with them all?
you can not trade them in for mall. no no.
take every moment
you know that you own them.
it's all you can do,
use what's been given to you.
you know that you own them.
it's all you can do,
use what's been given to you.
give me a reason
to fight the feeling
that there's nothing here for me.
cause none of its easy,
I know it wasn't meant to be.
I know it's all up to me.
I know it's all up to me.
so what am i gonna do with my time? oh
to fight the feeling
that there's nothing here for me.
cause none of its easy,
I know it wasn't meant to be.
I know it's all up to me.
I know it's all up to me.
so what am i gonna do with my time? oh
I'll take every moment,
I know that i own them.
it's all up to you to do
whatever you choose.
I know that i own them.
it's all up to you to do
whatever you choose.
live like you're dying
and never stop trying.
it's all you can do,
use what's been given to you.
and never stop trying.
it's all you can do,
use what's been given to you.
all of the moments you didn't notice
gone in the blink of an eye.
all of the feelings you couldn't feel
no matter how you try. oh oh.
gone in the blink of an eye.
all of the feelings you couldn't feel
no matter how you try. oh oh.
take every moment
you know that you own them.
it's all up to you to do
whatever you choose.
you know that you own them.
it's all up to you to do
whatever you choose.
live like you're dying
and never stop trying.
it's all you can do,
use what's been given to you.
and never stop trying.
it's all you can do,
use what's been given to you.
live like you're dying
and never stop trying.
it's all you can do,
use what's been given to you
and never stop trying.
it's all you can do,
use what's been given to you
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